Vulnerable Group
Rwanga Foundation handed over 6 Community Centers to DoLSA
Duhok, KURDISTAN (January 30th ,2020) - Rwanga Foundation held a ceremony to officially handover six community social centers in six IDP camps to DoLSA.
On the 1st of July 2017, the Rwanga Foundation implemented and started running six community social centers in six different IDP camps. The camps included the Rwanga Community Camp, Chammishku Camp, Shariya Camp, Bajed Kanadala Camp, Kabarto 1 & Kabarto 2 Camps.The project aimed to build capacities, raise awareness and have a healthier life and stronger peaceful coexistence through providing Legal Services, Sport Activities, Art Activities, Social Awareness Activities, Basic Life Skills Workshops and Business Start-Up Training. At the same time the project and its staff had build up enormous trust among the individual camp residents and a huge role in assisting in the camp's daily routine life obstacles. More than 57,106 people benefited from the project and more than 1,893 activities had been conducted in all six community social centers.
The main purpose of the ceremony was the handover of the project to DoLSA (Directorate of Labour and Social Affair) but further more also to honor and appreciate the strong work, effort and loveliness of the project's essential staff and workers.
The handover ceremony was conducted in the Duhok province with the participation of the project’s staff and a number of other agencies such as the Duhok Governorate, B.R.H.A, SWEDO NGO, UNHCR, the Barzani Charity Foundation, NPA, DoLSA, GIZ, DCVAW, and Harikar.
The project will be implemented by DoLSA (Directorate of Labour and Social Affair) in partnership with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and funded by BMZ.