Emran Mazhar - Rwanga Book Project
Emran Mazhar
Emran Mazhar is 25 years old; he is one of the winners of the Rwanga Book project 2020. He was able to be one of the competition’s winners among 43 participants.
I have been reading and writing about simple subjects from my teenage times. However, I did not have the opportunity to publish my writings so that they can be in the hands of readers until I participated in Rwanga’s competition for books.
When Emran first heard about the Rwanga Book project, he decided to take the chance and start writing his book. “I was happy and I promised myself that I would be participating in this project. I worked on my book for over a month so that I can write something the judges will be impressed by”.
Succeeding in the Book project gave him more confidence to publish the other books that he has written before but could not publish because of his lack of confidency.