Parwa Abdulqadir - Rwanga Book Project
Parwa Abdulqadir Jalal, the book of “butterfly dream” is the story of a teacher and his students, in which he expresses respect for all different professions equally and demonstrates their importance, circulating around the dreams of the students, in a way that shows the importance of teachers, doctors, mechanics, carpenter and how their professions are all equally needed.
Parwa was obsessed with writing since the age of 12, she first started with poems, and simple prose, then she moved to write content, short stories and analysis of different subjects. However, the amount of obstacles and lack of support and encouragement pushed her away from writing, until she found out about the Rwanga Book Project.
Benefitting from the Rwanga Book Project, which was a source for her to bring back her talents, hopes, and writings back to life.
With great confidence, she built her “butterfly dream” and the aim of her book and its success was an amazing foundation for new ideas, projects and bigger aims.
Before the Rwanga Book Project, there were some negative impacts that made her drop her talents and potentials for writing. However, having a project like this was like renewing her dreams and achieving her goals, which were all due to this project.
Winning in this project was a motivation to plan participating in other similar projects and always try to improve her skills.
In the end, Parwa thanks Rwanga Foundation for their huge aid in achieving the dreams of the youth around Kurdistan.